Illuminate the Room
Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t like something, change it, If you can not change it, change your attitude.”
Make Your Personal Finance Amazing
You are in control of your happiness.
Wake up everyday with a smile. Think about how lucky you are to be healthy. Think how lucky you are to go to work everyday and have a career/job.
If you can’t pay cash think twice. Is this an investment that will benefit me in the future, or do I just want a girls trip to Vegas?
Store credit cards can back you into a tight corner. You don’t need more jeans, shoes, lotions, or yoga pants. When’s the last time you finished a product fully? These cards come with lots of coupons. Guess what? You are spending more than you are saving 9/10.
I can not stress enough to USE what you already have. To many of us are in the habits of throwing things away and buying new. Myself included, but we are growing!
Before you make a purchase consider WANT vs. NEED. You need shaving cream. You need milk and eggs. What you don’t need is 24 candles and 15 nude lipsticks. You don’t need $7 coffee drinks.
Write down what you spend and your balances daily. When you can see your money going away it makes you more conscious.
Buy in bulk and buy generic when possible.
Use discipline to take advantage of cash back deals with credit cards.
Be on time with payments. Credit is going to follow you.
Give yourself a break you’re doing AMAZING GIRL. No one is perfect and you don’t have to be.